You will be glad to that SPICMACAY Saharanpur chapter is going to host UP State Convention from 26th-29th Jan 2017 at IIT,Roorkee,Saharanpur Campus,Saharanpur.Direcotrs,pr icipals,students and SpicMacay Coordinators and volunteers are cordially invited.
SPIC MACAY (Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth) is a non-political, nationwide, voluntary movement founded in 1977 by Dr Kiran Seth, Professor-Emeritus at IIT-Delhi who was awarded the ‘Padma Shri’ for his contribution to the arts in 2009.
SPICMACAY’s intention is to enrich the quality of formal education by increasing awareness about different aspects of Indian heritage and inspiring the young mind to imbibe the values embedded in it. It seeks to inspire youth through experiencing the mysticism embodied in the rich and heterogeneous cultural tapestry of Indian and World Heritage, with a hope that the beauty, grace, values and wisdom embodied in these arts will influence their way of life and thinking and inspire one to become a better human being. For this, the most accomplished artistes of the country render programmes of Indian classical music and dance, folk, poetry, theatre, traditional paintings, crafts & yog primarily in schools and colleges. In 2011, SPIC MACAY was awarded the Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhavana award in recognition of its contribution to youth development.
In 2012-13, 7500+ programmes were organised in more than 1500 institutions in 800 towns in India and 50 towns abroad impacting more than 3 million students. All these programmes were organised by thousands of volunteers – largely students, teachers, housewives, retired people, professionals, young and old. SPIC MACAY celebrates Nishkaam Seva - the spirit of volunteerism – of giving selflessly without expectation, a value that is intrinsic to our culture and important to nurture in today's world.
आपसे जानकारी साँझा करते हुए हार्दिक प्रदान्नता हो रही है ,स्पिक मैके पिछले 40 वर्षो से युवाओं में भारतीय संस्कृति एवं कलाओ के जागरूक करने का कार्य कर रहा है ।हर साल वर्ष में दो बार प्रदेशीय स्पिक मैके का अधिवेशन आयोजित किया जाता है ,जिसमें प्रदेश के विभिन्न जिलो से विद्यार्थियों ,स्पिक मैके प्रतिनिधियों ,कार्यकर्ताओ को आमंत्रित किया जाता है।स्पिक मैके सहारनपुर इकाई आपको स्पिक मैके के प्रदेशीय अधिवेशन- 2017 ,में सादर आमंत्रित करती है । यह प्रदेशीय अधिवेश आई आई टी रूडकी के सहारनपुर परिसर दिनांक 26-29 जनवरी ,2017 में आयोजित किया जायेगा ।
अधिवेशन में युवाओ को को एक कठिन दिनचर्या में रहना होता है जिसमे प्रत्येक दिन प्रातः योग से शुरू होता है ,विभिन्न कलागुरुओ के साथ विभिन्न कार्यशालाओ में रहना होता है ,दोपहर में राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार प्राप्त कला ,फिल्मो एवं कलागुरू के द्वारा साक्षात् संवाद के साथ- साथ सांयकालीन में विश्वप्रसिद्ध भारतीय शात्रीय संगीत एवं नृत्य कलागुरुओ की बैठक में सम्मलित होने का अवसर प्राप्त होता है एवं प्रतिदिन युवाओ को समग्र भोजन परोसा जाता है । अधिवेशन का मुख्य उद्देश्य युवाओ को एक संयुक्त मंच से भारतीय संस्कृति एवं जीवन शैली की झलक की जानकारी साँझा करते हुए एक अलग अनुभव लेने का अवसर प्रदान करना है ,जिससे प्रेरित हो युवा एक समन्वयवादी जीवन को आत्मसात करने का प्रयास करे।
स्पिक मैके अधिवेशन एक अभिन्न भारतीय संस्कृति का एक समारोह है। यहाँ ,उद्देश्य सभी प्रतिभागियों को नहीं वरन , किसी एक को प्रेरित करना है। अधिवेशन के विभिन्न कार्यक्रमों के माध्यम से कलाकार , श्रोताओ एवं दर्शको के बीच एक विशेष बंधन बनता है।प्रतिभागी यहाँ तीन दिन विश्वप्रसिद्ध कलागुरुओ के साथ रहते हुए उनसे न केवल उनकी कला के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करता है ,बलिक संस्कारो ,मान्यताओ ,चिंतन एवं पारम्परिक गुरुशिष्य परंपरा को समझने का प्रयास करता है ।योग सत्र, नाद योग एव हठ योग के गुरुओ द्वरा संचालित किये जाते है ।अधिवेश केवल दो- तीन का समारोह नहीं वरन युवाओ में एक चिंगारी की खोज है जो भारतीय कलाओ एवं संस्कृति की परम्परा को निरंतरता को बनाये रखना सुनिश्चित कर सके ।
Different regional groups of SPIC MACAY chapters hold conventions at various times of the year at large educational institutes to gather all volunteers at a common location to rejuvenate and plan together at a larger scale. There are state conventions held in each state twice a year and an annual National Convention which is held every year during the summer vacation in the month of June. Conventions follow a rigorous schedule starting with Yoga early in the morning, interactions and workshops during the day and ending with concerts in the eveningThe goals of these conventions is to bring the youth from the entire country and from all walks of life in a common platform, where they can exchange ideas, share experiences and get inspired to propagate the movement in the year ahead. Participants get to experience the performances by great maestros and get an insight into culture and music of India, its values and ethos.
These convention are a celebration of our composite heritage. Here, the aim isn’t just to entertain a crowd, but to inspire one. A bond is created between the performing artist and the audience. Interactions are held through concerts, lec-dems, talks and workshops. Participants spend these days with eminent Gurus imbibing from them, values and thought processes which have made them great. During intensives, participants get an opportunity to have one-on-one interactions with the artists for 2 to 3 days in workshops where the artist talks about the art-form, teaching the participants in the Guru-shishya style of olden times. Yoga sessions are planned by gurus of naada yoga and hatha yoga. A convention isn’t just some week-long affair, it is a platform to generate that spark among the youth, to ensure the continuity of the art form, to inspire the youth to produce the future Vishwa Mohan Bhatts, Zakir Hussains and Gangubai Hangals, so that another Max Muller in the near future can say that India is the most blessed place on earth.
1.प्रत्येक विद्यालय /महाविद्यालय से कुल 6 छात्र -छात्राए अपने अध्यापक एवं प्रधानाचार्य के साथ प्रतिभागिता कर सकते है।
2,अधिवेशन में खाना एवं रहना पूर्णत निशुल्क होगा ।
3.अधिवेशन में आने -जाने का व्यय विद्यालय का होगा ।
4.अधिवेशन के किये ऑनलाइन आवेदन किया जायेगा ।
1.Head of the institutions are requested to participate with 6 students (boy/girls) along with a teacher and coordinator.2. Accommodation and food will be completely free during convention.
3. Participants will take of their travel.
4.Online form for the participation is available below.
Rest of the information will be shared as soon as application for the participation submitted.
अधिक जानकारी के लिए सपर्क- 7060890830-जय,9456690266-शैफा
Heratage walk on 30th Aug 2014
Cultural heritage is our reference point to the past. It helps us to understand our history and the ancestry that binds us together, at the same time, being an integral part of our present, and of our future…
India is a pictorial kaleidoscope of beautiful landscapes and rich cultural heritage spread throughout its opulent historical and royal cities that has been contributed by different people and races over the period of time. Culture and heritage plays an important role in building an economically sustainable and cohesive country and need a special focus for promotion and preservation. SPIC MACAY aims to preserve the rich heritage of our country, so that it can be passed on the generations to come by organizing heritage walk module.
The urban living makes the all the cities too familiar to notice anything extraordinary about it. People pass by the beautiful heritage buildings every day in a hurry to reach their offices or schools without noticing them. Heritage of a city communicates the history of that place. Heritage walk is a tool to explore the unexplored and neglected richness of the country. It plays an important role for the development of history and character of the city through generating interests and involvement of the local community in the urban conservation activity.
When it was first started?
After identifying the heritage sites in a city, group of students (accompanied by an expert or historian who explains the importance of the place and events associated to them) walk and explore the place, reliving not only the past but a living tradition. The real essence of the city is unearthed as these walks highlight a vast range of architectural styles, and trace the city’s social and cultural history.
Diversity of faith, language, customs, beliefs, architecture, art and a variety of visual and performing culture build a certain context of cityscape. The personality and character of a city is the result of centuries of growth in the course of which new elements are constantly juxtaposed with the older ones. The processes of urbanization tend to marginalize the inner city areas that embody the heritage aspects not only of the buildings but also of a certain lived experience.
Heritage walks, are best way to learn and recognize our culture, tradition, philosophy, myths and associated rituals with them. The walk makes one look back and reminds us of our rich culture and history, provoking us to thing about the existence of every historical structure and place. It also helps in bringing focus of authorities towards the degrading conditions of heritage place, promoting their care and restoration.
On the theme of
in their own campus.
’Life is a canvas, Portray your thoughts, Splash your instincts, Groove to the tune
Be the Best or Better than the Rest!!!
Dear Principals /Deans
Warm greetings from SPICMACAY
On the 29th April SpicMacay is enthusiastically organizing the Poster making contest under orientation series of SpicMacay to propagate the vision for Dance. We have received very interesting responses from all over the schools and institutions in all the activities of SPICMACAY and now we take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all the esteemed institutions for participating in the event and making it a huge success.
Mankind's capacity to create and to innovate is limitless. It is a fundamental human resource with endless potential. Nowhere is this more apparent than in young people. No matter what country or community they are born into, the young share certain striking characteristics, their curiosity about whatever is new ,different ,or novel. We want to promote originality,creativity and an innovative spirit among children so that when they become leaders of society, they will ensure an imaginative, inclusive and innovative future for the world.
We are happy to inform you that we have included the Primary Group in some events to encourage more participation among the students. We hope to get a keen response from them.
The entries may be submitted in the following :
Poster Making Contest
This is an off-campus event, 20 Drawing sheets (in each category) will be provided by SPICMACAY volunteers in your school / institution on 29th morning by 7am and for poster making duration of the competition will be 2hrs, 9.00am – 11.00am.
Rules; The event will be held in four groups:
•Group Primary Classes I - V
•Group A Classes VI - VIII
•Group B Classes IX - XII
•Group C For college students
•Group A Classes VI - VIII
•Group B Classes IX - XII
•Group C For college students
• Acceptable tools of drawing / painting include pencil, crayon, water color,
oil paint, , etc. Photographs, wires, and other 3D objects computer drawings
are not acceptable.
• The drawing / painting must not include words, school flags, or slogans.
• The drawing / painting must not represent any particular individual,
organization, or brand name and must not depict any religious theme.
• Name and age of participant as well as school’s name and address, phone No., Email address must be clearly mentioned on the back of poster in the English/Hindi Language.
• The theme "World Dance Day" should be the main focus of the poster.
• A poster should be an individual effort of participant
• All posters submitted for competition shall be returned after display.
• Winning posters will be displayed at JANMANCH ART GALLERY at Gandhi Park, Saharanpur and awarded by SPICMACAY certificate
Looking forward to an enthusiastic cooperation in a collective endeavor to unfold the creative genius of our youth, who are the future leaders of society.
May you all make innovations a way of life.
Sudhir Joshi Leena Dua Chairperson SPICMCAY Programme Coordinator
Saharanpur Public School Athena Prep School
Odissi dance originated in Orissa in the 2nd century B.C and has an unbroken tradition since those ancient times. Peformed as a part of the ritual of daily worship in the temple of Lord Jagannath at Puri, Odissi dance is both a sacred ritual and a secular entertainment. Geeta Mahalik is a proud inheritor of this centuries-old tradition of Odissi dance and one of its most outstanding exponents in India today. Trained in the grammar of dance from an early age by two eminent gurus of Odissi – late Deba Prasad Dash and Shri Mayadhar Raut - she has imbibed the best of the great Odissi tradition. Decades of devoted training under eminent gurus and her own creative choreographic compositions have resulted in a perfect blending of the best that Odissi offers. She has been described as "sheer poetry in motion" and "sculpturesque", spanning the entire range of Odissi aesthetics from fluidity to stillness. She has performed on stage and television all over the country and abroad. She was invited by the President of India to perform at Rashtrapati Bhavan and was honoured by the President in recognition of her artistic eminence. She has performed more than once in the major dance festivals like Khajuraho, Ellora, Elephanta, Konarka, Ganga Mahotsav at Varanasi, Badri Kedar Utsav at Haridwar, Sharad Utsav at Vrindavan, Taj Festival, Lucknow Mahotsav, Mandu Festival, Kalidas Samaroh at Ujjain, Uday Shankar Dance Festival at Kolkata, Nishagandhi Festival at Thiruvananthapuram and Mahabalipuram Festival. Crossing the shores of India, she has performed in USA, Canada, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, China, Mongolia, Nepal, Bangladesh and many countries of East and West Africa. In Greece, she had the honour of dancing at the ancient amphitheatre at Delphi on the occasion of Indo-Greek Cultural Symposium.
Bhute Khan Manganyar-
The Manganiar and related Langa are Muslim communities in the desert of Rajasthan, India in the districts of Barmer and Jaisalmer, along the border with Pakistan. Significant numbers are also found in the districts of Tharparkar and Sanghar in the province of Sindh in Pakistan. They are famous for their classical folk music. They are the groups of hereditary professional musicians, whose music has been supported by wealthy landlords and aristocrats for generations.
The Manganiars consider themselves descendants of the Rajputs and are renowned as highly skilled folk musicians of the Thar desert. Their songs are passed on from generation to generation as a form of oral history of the desert. They sing songs about Alexander the Great, about the local Maharajas and past battles in the region. Manganiars have survived for centuries on the patronage of wealthy merchants in caravan towns, particularly Jaisalmer where there is an important settled community today. The traditional jajman (patrons) of the Manganiar are the locally dominantRajput community, while the Langha have a similar relationship with the Sindhi-Sipahi, a community of Muslim Rajputs. At times of birth, marriage or any family festivity for their Rajput patrons, the Manganiar musicians are in attendance to evoke the right mood with songs of the desert and many specially composed songs to praise the patron and his family.
Though Manganiar and Langhas communities are Muslim, many Manganiar songs are in praise of Hindu deities and celebrate Hindu festivals such as Diwali and Holi. The Manganiar performers traditionally invoke the Hindu God Krishna and seek his blessing before beginning their recital.
The 17-string khamaycha is a bowed instrument. Made of mango wood, its rounded resonator is covered with goat skin. Three of its strings are goat intestine while the other 14 strings are steel.
The 17-string khamaycha is a bowed instrument. Made of mango wood, its rounded resonator is covered with goat skin. Three of its strings are goat intestine while the other 14 strings are steel.
The khartaal is a kind of castanet made of teak. Its name is derived from "Khar", meaning hand, and "Taal", meaning rhythm.
The khartaal is a kind of castanet made of teak. Its name is derived from "Khar", meaning hand, and "Taal", meaning rhythm.
The dholak is a classical North Indian, Pakistani and Nepalese hand drum similar in timbre to a bongo. A dholak may have traditional lacing or turnbuckle tuning. The dholak has a simple membrane and a handle on the right hand side. The left hand membrane has a special coating on the inner surface. This coating is a mixture of tar, clay and sand (dholak masala) which lowers the pitch.
The dholak is a classical North Indian, Pakistani and Nepalese hand drum similar in timbre to a bongo. A dholak may have traditional lacing or turnbuckle tuning. The dholak has a simple membrane and a handle on the right hand side. The left hand membrane has a special coating on the inner surface. This coating is a mixture of tar, clay and sand (dholak masala) which lowers the pitch.
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